Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Disaster-stricken Lebanon

This is an emergency call

To this day, there are nearly one million displaced persons in Lebanon.
Half a million are taken care of in collective centers and public spaces.
Almost as many are welcomed within individual homes…
This is a crucial situation, a humanitarian and health crisis…

About us:

In 1986, ILDES (Lebanese Institute for Economic and Social Development) is born out of an urgent need for the help of thousands of Lebanese displaced persons and refugees as a consequence of the wars that devastated Lebanon from 1975 till 1990.
Non Profit and Non Governmental Organization, ILDES has worked during and after the war for the Lebanese persons displaced from their original localities.

Among our most important goals:
- To allow the displaced persons to carry on living a dignified and fair life.
- To fight against the spreading of poverty.
- To promote an intercommunity dialogue.
- To help for return, reconstruction, and development.

Today the situation is repeating itself,
harder than before.
More than ever, and strong with experience, ILDES is seeking to rescue the displaced persons.

On the short run, ILDES provides emergency help (food, hygiene needs, medicines, household equipments, toys, books…)
On the medium run, ILDES is establishing lasting help in its working plan (schooling, sponsorship, reconstruction).

Your help and generosity are precious in cash or in kind.

For your donation in cash:
I.L.D.E.S. (Aides d'urgences)
account N" in $ 1-00137642
account N" in € 1-00137643
Banque Libanaise pour le Commerce (BLC)
Jal El Dib Branch - Lebanon

Domiciliation PARIS PL MAUBERT (00187)
RIB : 30004 00187 00010039291 10
IBAN : FR76 3000 4001 8700 0100 3929 110

Holder of the account:
Developpement et Civilisations

For your donation in kind:
Tel: 00 961 3 729494

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