Tuesday, November 11, 2014

ILDES Project in Kaa

Eight years later...

ILDES got funding for  "One Drop for Peace" project that aims at the rehabilitation of the primary irrigation channel of Qaa. 

On December 29, 2013, ILDES and its partner Spanish partner AIDA, were awarded a grant from the European Union to implement the One Drop for Peace project in Qaa, northern Bekaa, Lebanon.

Description of the action

Since the influx of Syrian refugees to Lebanon has gained momentum the host communities' living conditions have been strained by additional expenditures, inflation, limited job opportunities and loss of income.  In Qaa (caza of Baalback - North Bekaa), the refugees come from the neighbouring Syrian villages of Rableh, Qusair, Nizariyah and Homs. Although the impact of the Syrian refugee presence in Qaa puts a strain on the limited resources, it is not all negative. In fact it has a potentially positive effect on the local economy as the presence of skilled Syrian farmers contributes to the dynamism of agriculture, which is the main economic activity, collaborating with the local landowners. But the scope of the cooperation is still very limited because of the restricted irrigation capacity, which has been severely strained by the poor condition of the irrigation channels and the increasing loss and non-beneficial use of water. Thus, the limit imposed on agriculture and husbandry constitutes threats to the short, medium and long-term economic, health and food security of the hosts and of the Syrian refugees. While the need and demand for water in Qaa, from the host community and the refugees, has augmented significantly both in households and in the fields and, in order to build positively on the opportunities that the presence of skilled agricultural workers creates in Qaa, it is vital to address both the problems of the inadequate infrastructure of the irrigation water channels and the social habits and behaviour towards water, hygiene and sanitation.

The objectives of the action

Like many other ILDES projects, One Drop for Peace integrated project (ODP) is demand-driven and based on the full participation of the communities involved. ODP addresses the intensifying water supply issues in Qaa brought on by population rise, climatic conditions and drought, as well as infrastructure and environmental needs. The General Objective is “To mitigate the environmental, economic, and social impact of the Syrian refugees’ presence on livelihoods in Qaa, caza of Baalback, Bekaa, Lebanon”. The Specific Objective is to: Increase the beneficial use of irrigation water resources in Qaa”. ODP aims to improve the livelihood and incomes of the households of Qaa and of the Syrian refugees by providing an integrated package consisting of two complementary sets of activities that will address the technical and social causes of water misuse and squandering. The two activity clusters are:
1.    Repairing the infrastructure defects of the primary irrigation channels in Qaa and 
2.   Disseminating the best practices related to water usage and preservation in both host and Syrian refugees communities. ODP is implemented in Qaa, caza of Baalback, in the North Eastern part of the Bekaa in Lebanon.

The key stakeholders

Ministry of Energy and Water (MoEW)
Bekaa Regional Water Authority (BRWA)
The Municipality of Qaa
The Lebanese National Association for Social Development (LNASD)
Lajnat Waqf el Qaa (Qaa Waqf Committee for the Greek Catholic Community 
The community of farmers and irrigators
The Lajnat Idarat wa Istithmar Miyah el Qaa (Qaa Water Exploitation and Management Association - LIIMQ) 

The activities

Work Cluster 1
The rehabilitation of 5kms of irrigation canals that will be achieved by the re-construction of the primary irrigation canal of Qaa in order to:
  • ·         Reduce water leakage losses
  • ·         Prevent the non-beneficial use of irrigation water,
  • ·         Increase the channel’s water conveyance capacity and
  • ·         Reduce erosion resulting from high flow velocities,
  • ·         Prevent the growth of canes and weeds in the trenches
  • ·         Reduce the required maintenance costs 

Work Cluster 2
In order to maximize the effect of the rehabilitation works on the irrigation channel, ODP will undertake to improve the knowledge of the community on the best management and use of water. A Baseline Knowledge Assessment (BKA) and a Final Knowledge Assessment (FKA) will allow the team to create the adapted information package and later, measure the success of work cluster 2. 

The timeframe for the action 

April 2014 - October 2015

You can  follow the progress of our activities on our Facebook page with photos, videos and comments.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Construction project of irrigation canals

Kaa is a village located in the caza of Baalbeck, on the Lebanese Syrian frontier.
95% of the families live from agriculture, breeding…
This village is considered to be located in a region considered as a desert region.In this village where the people live from agriculture, water is an issue with great importance
For a long period of time and during the wars from 1975 till 1990, the water that came from the source of labboué was deviated and did not arrive to Kaa. This situation had catastrophic consequences on the people of Kaa who had to live in poverty.

Today, with the Israeli war on Lebanon, the canalizations in Kaa were destroyed and the harvest is totally spoiled.
Now the canalizations that were used to irrigate the land are in catastrophic situation.
The farmers tried to create passage for the water in their fields, this proved to be inefficient. In fact, the water is absorbed by the land, the irrigation is not intensive and the yield is low. Once again, the farmers found themselves in a situation of extreme poverty.
Due to this critical situation, l’ILDES is launching a project to construct irrigation canals. In fact, if the canals were built in cement, it will facilitate the watering and economize the water and allow the farmers to increase their output.This project is vital to the people of Kaa. As a result,they should not be affected by any minor incident and they have to be able to ensure their harvesting which is their primary source of income.
This project is expensive and the farmers are penniless…
The construction cost of 1000m of canalization is 38750$.
For further information on this project Contact us

For your donation:
I.L.D.E.S. (Aides d'urgences)
Account N. in $ 1-00137642
Account N. in € 1-00137643
Banque Libanaise pour le Commerce (BLC)
Jal El Dib Branch-Lebanon

Domiciliation PARIS PL MAUBERT (00187)
RIB : 30004 00187 00010039291 10
IBAN : FR76 3000 4001 8700 0100 3929 110
Holder of the account in Paris:
Developpement et Civilisations

Friday, September 15, 2006

Emergency call for help

"The Social Institution of the Sisters of Charity of Besançon" is located in Baskinta, caza of Metn, it shelters orphans and social cases in a free boarding school.
Its mission is to help destitute persons and to take care of children with social problems that were most frequently abandoned by their families.Since the beginning of the war in the 13th of July, this institution looks after 32 displaced families from the southern suburb of Beirut and from the Mohafazat of Nabatyé and South Lebanon.
Among them, there are sick persons, infants and old people.
With the cessation of the hostilities, some of them regain their homes… and others are waiting for the clearing of the rebel.
The Sisters of Charity and with the help of some volunteers took charge of the displaced people that had taken refuge in the center and provided them with food, clothes, bedding, medications….
Furthermore they took care of their educational needs and entertaining activities.
The Sister of Charity provided them with every item they had (food & none food items) so that they would reduce the suffering of the refugees and make their every day life more bearable.

In order to take good care of the displaced, the sisters of charity had to use up all their stocks: fuel and gas stock, food stock, medication stock…….
Furthermore, they had to buy on a regular basis fresh food and hygienic products.

Also they had to hospitalize some patients and they had to buy medication for patient with chronic disease, these medications were not found at the Red Cross.
These expenses were done without any hesitation and with the joy of easing the suffering of the displaced, but it have left them penniless…with the fear of not being able to open their doors this year.

In fact, the emergency aid that arrived to Lebanon during this war covered only food cans and a small part of their medications that was provided by the Red Cross.
The Sisters covered all other expenses, which the amount has reached 7500 euro.
This amount does not include the stocks or the costs of the reparations that have to be done in the center due to this situation.

Faced to that situation, ILDES launched a project to help the Social Institution of the Sisters of Charity in order to enables them to start their social Institution this year and to help them to persevere.
Indeed, they do not have any more reserves! No More stocks! No money!
This institute cannot remain without fuels, food and medication and with buildings to be repaired especially that it is located in the mountains.
It will be very difficult for them to open their doors for the orphans and children with social problems whom they shelter and whose majority live in the areas that were bombarded (chyah, Baabda, Ain El Remaneh…) and are coming from poor areas.
Today they have more than ever need to be surrounded!

For further information Contact us.

For your donation:
I.L.D.E.S. (Aides d'urgences)
Account N. in $ 1-00137642
Account N. in € 1-00137643
Banque Libanaise pour le Commerce (BLC)
Jal El Dib Branch-Lebanon
Domiciliation PARIS PL MAUBERT (00187)
RIB : 30004 00187 00010039291 10
IBAN : FR76 3000 4001 8700 0100 3929 110

Holder of the account in Paris:
Developpement et Civilisations

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Decision 1701 of the Security Council: Cessation of hostilities

Blow of hope… Lebanese from all communities, hurry to go back and check on their parents, their localities, their houses….
Are we really going towards a durable cease-fire?
On the ground, people have feelings of uncertainty and ambiguity.
The two protagonists are still raising conditions…. proclaiming the right to renew the combat.
The million displaced people statistically announced need help more than ever.
The return to their localities of origin seems impossible for this year: smashed roads, destroyed infrastructure, no more water, no more electricity, and in most cases destroyed houses and destroyed schools.
Facing this disaster, ILDES is currently taking care of the fragile fringes of the displaced population: chronic patients, children and pupils

Healthcare for chronic patients:

These displaced persons are patients who follow essential medical treatments. The interruption of a treatment can be fatal for them. ILDES wants to provide them the necessary medication and medical assistance (doctors and nurses) wherever they are.

Education for children and teenagers:

Soon the school year will start. Would the war have ended? Whatever the answer is, children from 3 to 18 years, supposed to go in class as of September, will be blocked in the areas that accommodate them. Those children must be able to go to school. An interruption of their schooling can only lead them to immigration or worse, to delinquency.
For this reason ILDES wants to provide these children books and educational games including musical equipment. In the long run ILDES wants to finance their schoolings and to meet their educational needs.

For the moment, ILDES launches the campaign:

1 Child 1 Book

Be numerous to answer it:
- by sending a book or a comic strip. In this case, contact us to the following numbers: 04 -710535/6
- by sending your contribution to the following banking account number:
I.L.D.E.S. (Aides d'urgences)
Account N° in $ 1-00137642
Account N° in € 1-00137643
Banque Libanaise pour le Commerce (BLC)
Jal El Dib Branch - Lebanon

Monday, August 14, 2006

ILDES: Medical care center for the displaced persons.

In pursing its mission in helping the persons displaced by the wars that devasted Lebanon, ILDES has created a medical care center which essential goals are a sanitary prevention and a medical assistance for persons in need.

Over the last 20 years, our medical center has always offered its services and responded to all requests.
With the present war and the consequent humanitarian crisis, our center is receiving a huge number of displaced persons who took refuge in the region of Hadath. Requests for help are more then 5 fold now, and our center can't manage with its stock to satisfy the urgent need for medicines it faces. Similarly, the lack of milk for infants is quite worrying.
Our physicians provide the displaced persons with auscultation and first care, but providing them with medicines became very hard to us. Unfortunately, if medicines are being provided through donations, they are not evenly allocated and hardly obtained.
Thanks for your help, displaced persons will be treated in a better way, and the health crisis can be contained.
We count on you, displaced persons count on you.

Thank you for responding to our call.

Medical care Center
Mar Geryess El Khraybé
Tel 00 961 4 710535

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Disaster-stricken Lebanon

This is an emergency call

To this day, there are nearly one million displaced persons in Lebanon.
Half a million are taken care of in collective centers and public spaces.
Almost as many are welcomed within individual homes…
This is a crucial situation, a humanitarian and health crisis…

About us:

In 1986, ILDES (Lebanese Institute for Economic and Social Development) is born out of an urgent need for the help of thousands of Lebanese displaced persons and refugees as a consequence of the wars that devastated Lebanon from 1975 till 1990.
Non Profit and Non Governmental Organization, ILDES has worked during and after the war for the Lebanese persons displaced from their original localities.

Among our most important goals:
- To allow the displaced persons to carry on living a dignified and fair life.
- To fight against the spreading of poverty.
- To promote an intercommunity dialogue.
- To help for return, reconstruction, and development.

Today the situation is repeating itself,
harder than before.
More than ever, and strong with experience, ILDES is seeking to rescue the displaced persons.

On the short run, ILDES provides emergency help (food, hygiene needs, medicines, household equipments, toys, books…)
On the medium run, ILDES is establishing lasting help in its working plan (schooling, sponsorship, reconstruction).

Your help and generosity are precious in cash or in kind.

For your donation in cash:
I.L.D.E.S. (Aides d'urgences)
account N" in $ 1-00137642
account N" in € 1-00137643
Banque Libanaise pour le Commerce (BLC)
Jal El Dib Branch - Lebanon

Domiciliation PARIS PL MAUBERT (00187)
RIB : 30004 00187 00010039291 10
IBAN : FR76 3000 4001 8700 0100 3929 110

Holder of the account:
Developpement et Civilisations

For your donation in kind:
Tel: 00 961 3 729494
e-mail: ildes@sodetel.net.lb
website: www.ildeslebanon.org