Kaa is a village located in the caza of Baalbeck, on the Lebanese Syrian frontier.
95% of the families live from agriculture, breeding…
This village is considered to be located in a region considered as a desert region.In this village where the people live from agriculture, water is an issue with great importance
For a long period of time and during the wars from 1975 till 1990, the water that came from the source of labboué was deviated and did not arrive to Kaa. This situation had catastrophic consequences on the people of Kaa who had to live in poverty.
Today, with the Israeli war on Lebanon, the canalizations in Kaa were destroyed and the harvest is totally spoiled.
Now the canalizations that were used to irrigate the land are in catastrophic situation.
The farmers tried to create passage for the water in their fields, this proved to be inefficient. In fact, the water is absorbed by the land, the irrigation is not intensive and the yield is low. Once again, the farmers found themselves in a situation of extreme poverty.
Due to this critical situation, l’ILDES is launching a project to construct irrigation canals. In fact, if the canals were built in cement, it will facilitate the watering and economize the water and allow the farmers to increase their output.This project is vital to the people of Kaa. As a result,they should not be affected by any minor incident and they have to be able to ensure their harvesting which is their primary source of income.
This project is expensive and the farmers are penniless…
The construction cost of 1000m of canalization is 38750$.
For further information on this project Contact us
For your donation:
I.L.D.E.S. (Aides d'urgences)
Account N. in $ 1-00137642
Account N. in € 1-00137643
Banque Libanaise pour le Commerce (BLC)
Jal El Dib Branch-Lebanon
Domiciliation PARIS PL MAUBERT (00187)
RIB : 30004 00187 00010039291 10
IBAN : FR76 3000 4001 8700 0100 3929 110
Holder of the account in Paris:
Developpement et Civilisations
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